What is combination skin?
As the name implies, a combination skin type can be part dry, part oily or part normal in some areas. Like the T-zone (chin, forehead and nose). [1] The most common combination skins are dry with a normal T-zone, or normal with an oily T-zone. Usually the T-zone suffers from large pores, shininess and blackheads.
Typically a combination skin has a different T-zone to the rest of the face. It is a tricky skin type to treat as both areas need a different routine. They may need different products, although this is easy to over-come.
The best way to look after a combination skin is to cleanse with the correct cleanser. Such as Green Tea Cleanser, suitable for use on the largest area, then you may have to use a different serum, exfoliant, or mask on the T-zone.
If you don’t have any idea of your skin type, a qualified skin therapist can do a simple test to determine it. Using a Wood Lamp a well-trained therapist can determine your skin type from the way your skin fluoresces under this devise.
The Wood Lamp uses black light to reveal not only the natural oil production of the skin, it can also determine the hydration and pigmentation caused by sun damage or hormones, as well as any unusual lesions on the skin. For a correct skin diagnosis it is essential that a skin therapist uses this devise. A self-diagnosis or just looking at the skin will not result in a correct evaluation.
Since a combination skin can have two or more skin types, it is best to consult with your dermatologist so that specific skin types can be addressed. Remember that you may need different products for each skin type so seek professional advice.
What causes combination skin?
Several factors contribute to the development of combination skin, but sometimes it’s just genetics. When it comes to this skin type, the causes and combinations vary from person to person. The areas around the face contain the most active sebaceous or oil glands. [5] So these areas are prone to developing combination skin type while the other body parts have normal skin.
Another common cause of combination skin is the use of incorrect skin-care products. If you use products that contain irritating ingredients it can stimulate the sebaceous glands. This can cause more oil production in the T-zone. At the same time may aggravate skin dryness and redness on the face. [6] Also, using moisturizers that are too emollient can make your skin feel oilier and can clog up pores. All the products you use must be appropriate for the different skin types. Even if that means using different skin care products on different facial regions.
There are also other causes of combination skin that are out of your control like the weather and your age. Winter can strip the skin of its natural oils and make it dry. While the sun’s ultraviolet rays can affect the function of the epidermis, eliminating old tissues and replacing it with new. [7] The power of aging causes the skin to lose its elasticity together with the oil glands. Thus making the skin dry. [8] These non-modifiable factors can be quite a challenge for you. They can affect different body parts and yield different skin types.
So, while you can’t change nature, there are several ways in which you can adjust your skin care routine for it to be more effective. Focus on those factors that can be modified to prevent combination skin.
What is the treatment for combination skin?
Individuals with combination skin need products that will not worsen the condition. It is vital to only use the appropriate products designed for the mix skin types you are experiencing.
In some cases, you will need to use different products on different body parts to treat the skin. You may need to use oil-absorbing products or lighter-weight gels and liquids for your T-zone. In addition, to using creams and lotions for drier parts of the face. Or it could mean using an anti-acne ointment over areas of breakout and moisturizers only over dry areas.
To treat combination skin:
Use our Green Tea Cleanser for an oily combination skin. Or our Rose Mouse Cleanser for a normal combination skin. And our Floral Oil Cleanser for a dry combination skin.
Exfoliate regularly
It is best if the product you are using can manage oil production, clear pores and remove dry, flaky skin. In case of irritation or redness, you may use a natural chemical exfoliate. Exfoliation with Bamboo Skin Polish with ground bamboo and enzymes of Pawpaw and Pineapple provides many benefits. It lifts away dull, dry skin to improve texture and clarity. Extracts of rosemary, calendula and cucumber help tone and illuminate the complexion. It also helps to remove dead skin cells, leaving skin looking fresh, new and radiant.
Use a Hydrating Spritz
Choose a hydrating spritz such as Rose Petal Hydrating Spritz that contains anti-inflammatory agents, soothing ingredients and vitamins. This will provide nourishment to dry and oily skin. This Floral Hydrating Spritz is formulated with the calming properties of rose, liquorice, aloe and hamamelis. Used by the Romans to treat everything from skin irritations to depression. Rose oil is enjoying something of a renaissance. In an age of hi-tech super serums and bee-sting facials, there’s something incredibly refreshing about its simplicity.
Liquorice root is one of the oldest remedies in history, called “the king of natural medicines.” Geisha long ago recognized its benefits in brightening the skin. In addition it has abilities to even out skin tone, making it an especially treasured ingredient in their beauty rituals.
Serums for your skin types or concerns
Serums are the power house of skin care and will give you the essential ingredients with maximum results. Serums are not diluted as are moisturizers and they have a dramatic impact on the skin.
Moisturize with oils
Our skin is composed of natural oils, and is always in a constant fight for balance. In order to manage the sebaceous glands oil production, we need high-quality oils. We need oils that are formulated correctly. Avoiding oil-free products will only result in the overproduction of natural oils by the body. Thereby creating blemishes and breakouts. It is important to moisturize with high-end, pure botanical facial oils which are contained in Chi’s O2 moisturizer.
Protect from sun damage
If sun exposure is inevitable, make sure to use sunscreen with SPF 30 or more to protect your skin from ultraviolet rays.[10] It’s ideal to use a mineral-based sunblock. These sunblocks sit on the surface of the skin. Chemical sunblocks tend to absorb into the skin and are now being found in skin cancers.
If you’re still not sure about the best way to treat or nourish your skin, consult with a certified and qualified skin therapist who can recommend a prescribed skin care regimen.
In clinic treatments
A Bio Enzyme Treatment will gently exfoliate, hydrate and balance a combination skin. Alternately if you suffer from congestion and blackheads a Chi Medi-cleanse with extractions will help clear up the congested areas. Furthermore, a series of China Doll Laser Rejuvenation is fantastic for enlarges pores, black heads and mottled skins.
1. Gould, F. (2003). Aromatherapy for Holistic Therapists, page 33.
2. Loughran, J., (2002). Natural Skin Care, page 24.
3. Donovan, S. (2009). Stay Clear!: What You Should Know about Skin Care, page 59.
4. Kenet, B., et al (1999). How to Wash Your Face: America’s Leading Dermatologist Reveals the Essential Secrets for Youthful, Radiant Skin, page 89.
5. Tabor, A., et al (2009). Nutritional Cosmetics: Beauty from Within, page 293.
6. Lycka, B. (2006). Restoring Youth: How to Recover and Keep Your Skin’s Beauty, page 17.
7. Draelos, Z. (2015). Cosmeceuticals: Procedures in Cosmetic Dermatology Series, page 38.